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L’ITCOF – ‘Loyola In The Company Of Friends’ – the transformed ‘reading club’, is an interdepartmental collaboration of four departments of Loyola College of Social Sciences – Sociology, Social Work, Personnel Management and Counselling Psychology. It is an extra-curricular space where students can take part in topics of utmost pertinence and express themselves accordingly. L’ITCOF showcases a spectrum of activities where students can come together and pave the way for their future endeavours. At the outset itself, L’ITCOF has been aiming at building a praxis for the classroom academics. It runs after the renowned Loyolite pedagogy of ‘Engaged Knowledge Building’. It provides multidimensional skills for its members such as writing, reading, communication, discussing, sharing, painting etc. The goal of L’ITCOF is to make the students aware of their surroundings and to make them fit for any obstacle they may face once they leave Loyola. L’ITCOF members organise at least one activity in a month to meet the goals. Student coordinators Aadhil K. U. (Secretary) and Priya V.Ninan(Joint Secretary), executive committee members, staff coordinator Dr Sunil Kumar P., and staff members Fr. Saji S.J., and Dr Nisha Jolly Nelson are involved in planning and implementing the activities.
Certificate programme in Library and Information science, an extension work of our Knowledge Resource Centre(Library), is a six months course The Centre for Adult, Continuing Education and Extension (CACEE), University of Kerala. University of Kerala conducts the examination and issues certificates. The objectives of the course are:
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